Environmental Sustainability

“There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.”– M. K. Gandhi”

SPANDAN: A Voice of Effort embarked on its journey of empowerment with the ‘Change-Makers for Environmental Sustainability’ campaign, a clarion call to awaken the world to the pressing issues that surround our environment. Like a mighty river, our message has flowed through time, nurturing the seeds of awareness. We’ve organised over 120 E-waste sessions, each a stepping stone to greater change in society.

Our embrace extends far and wide, encompassing over 10,000 beneficiaries and stakeholders. We welcome the valiant Waste-Warriors, the curious minds of schools and colleges, and the vigilant watchmen of Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs). Together, we form a community of guardians, ready to protect our planet.

Within this eco-conscious symphony, we don’t just teach; we empower. Workshops under this program delve into the heart of contemporary challenges, shaping our knowledge to match the needs of today. We unravel the mysteries of Safe E-waste Handling, guiding our students to become stewards of a greener future. We unlock the secrets of Effective E-waste Management, turning the discarded into an opportunity.

SPANDAN: A Voice of Effort isn’t just an organisation; it’s a movement. We believe that every action, no matter how small, is a step towards change. Together, we compose a greener future where our world breathes a sigh of relief.